Bachelors of Engineering Compared to Engineering Technology

10 Reasons to Study STEM in College

Why would you want to study STEM in college? 


STEM fields are booming and offer high-paying jobs. Not sure if it's right for you? Here are 10 reasons to consider making STEM your future:

  1. Versatile skills: Engineering and tech teach you valuable skills like problem-solving, research methods, math, and more. These skills are in high demand across all fields, making you a valuable candidate no matter your career path.
  2. High pay: Not only is STEM a great way to secure a job, but it also offers a high salary. 63% of STEM degree holders earn more than those with non-STEM degrees. And, 47% of STEM bachelor's degree holders earn more than Ph.D. holders in other fields.
  3. Job opportunities: The demand for STEM jobs is constantly growing, More than 3.2 million jobs in STEM fields go unfilled every year. From research assistant to physics educator, the opportunities are endless.
  4. Less competition: With so many jobs available, the competition is lower compared to other fields. You'll be ahead of the curve by preparing yourself for a STEM career.
  5. Gender equality: STEM fields offer a smaller gender pay gap and a diverse workplace, promoting equality for all.
  6. Future-proof skills: The basics of STEM, like math and research, will always be in demand. You'll be prepared for any changes and advancements in the field.
  7. Innovation: STEM allows you to work on cutting-edge fields like medicine, computer technology, and robotics. You'll have the chance to make a positive impact on the world.
  8. Quality education: More than ever before, private industry as well as the government is investing in STEM to the tune of trillions of dollars, offering more funding and varied classes. You'll have access to better resources and smaller class sizes.
  9. Everyday problem-solving: STEM disciplines train you to be an evidence-based problem solver and a practiced critical innovator, helping you solve problems not just at work but in your daily life.  
  10. Love what you do: If you have a passion to innovate, fix, solve problems, create, and make an impact anywhere, pursuing STEM will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. You'll be proud of your job and love going to work every day.