
  • Q&A: Grad leaves lasting campus impact through leadership, athletics

    Apr 30, 2024

    When Madison Yonash '24 arrived on campus as an undergraduate business analytics major at Florida Polytechnic University, she immediately began discovering ways to get involved. Soon, she was not only plugged in, but she was making a lasting impact on her peers and her University. She will receive her bachelor's degree on Sunday, May 5.

  • Q&A: Grad's persistence, determination add up to bright future

    Apr 23, 2024

    Emily Crowley '24 will earn a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics from Florida Polytechnic University on Sunday, May 5. Crowley is a graduate of the International Baccalaureate School at Bartow High School. Through high school and college, she dedicated herself to learning and achieving personal and academic goals while adjusting to living with lupus, an autoimmune disease.

  • Q&A: Grad set to work with defense industry in software engineering

    Apr 18, 2024

    It's never been difficult to spot Alexander Bodoh '24 around campus at Florida Polytechnic University. While some simply look for his stylish and ever-present black fedora, others know him by his leadership, academic success, or campus involvement.

  • Q&A: Engineering grad gets head start on career in research

    Apr 10, 2024

    Sydney Wickett '24 is on the fast track to earning her master's degree from Florida Polytechnic University. When she receives her bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering with a concentration in aerospace on Sunday, May 5, Wickett will be only one year away from returning to the commencement stage for her advanced degree. She is among the first participants in the University's 4+1 master's degree program, taking graduate-level courses while completing her undergraduate degree.

  • Q&A: 2024 student commencement speaker fulfills dreams of following, surpassing dad's footsteps

    Apr 2, 2024

    Melina Ramos '24 will encourage her fellow graduates to pursue their goals both personally and professionally when she receives her bachelor's degree in computer science with a concentration in software engineering from Florida Polytechnic University on Sunday, May 5. She was selected by a committee as this year's student commencement speaker.

  • Q&A: Phoenix proud to be one of Florida Poly's first applied mathematics grads

    Apr 12, 2023

    David Schindler '23 is excited to receive his bachelor's degree in applied mathematics with a concentration in data science from Florida Polytechnic University on May 7. Schindler, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was part of the Campus Activity Board and Math Club, and also worked for the Office of Residential Life during his time at the University. He is a graduate of George Washington Carver High School of Engineering and Science in Philadelphia and is looking forward to starting his high-tech career.

  • Q&A: Grad dreams of making impact with transportation data analysis

    Apr 6, 2023

    Isabella Morales '23 will receive her bachelor's degree in data science with a concentration in intelligent mobility from Florida Polytechnic University on May 7. The student from Brandon, Florida, is set on making an impact on the world of public transportation, starting by earning her master's degree in data science at Florida Poly. She is a graduate of Middleton Magnet High School and is determined to do everything she can to achieve her dreams.