Auxiliary Enterprises 

Event Management System


Planning an Event

To ensure an successful event, please follow the following steps.

Florida Poly has a number of different calendars that contain important information for students, employees, and the community. Check the official event calendar to see what's already scheduled.

Requests must be submitted and approved through our  event management system (EMS) at least two weeks prior for under 100 people. Large events (100+ people) should be reserved at least 60 days in advance.

Please wait to receive an email (along with a quote, if applicable) indicating if the event is approved, approved with conditions or denied. In most cases an email will be received within 2-3 business days. Complex event, the event requiring additional administrative approval, quotes for services, etc. may take longer. If this is the case you will be notified of an update. Certain events may be subjects to additional fees. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

Events after hours or on the weekends: If may be necessary to schedule addition police officers, custodial services, IT or facilities. The hosting department would be responsible to pay these additional fees.
Equipment or furniture needed: If additional equipment or furniture has to be rented this cost will be passed on to the department. This includes furniture moves.
Events requiring additional staffing.
Events with certain types of set-ups.
Events with food.
Events that are not official university events may be subject to space rental fees. 

Contact Marketing if you would like assistance promoting your event on campus or in the community. Consider submitting information about your event to the Weekly Phoenix, on the website, in the mobile app, to the local media, etc. Marketing can also help you hire a photographer or videographer.

Submit a project ticker to the Marketing team to have your event added to the official University events calendar

 If additional fees are accessed an event, a quote will be sent for review and approval. Department head will be required to sign quote. Charges will be deducted from the department’s cost center. Once event request and service orders have been approved and any additional cost associated with the event (if applicable) are approved the event request will be confirmed.