Phone 863-874-8610
Location Main Campus
Office IST-2019
Directory Applied Mathematics
Dr. Michael Brilleslyper is professor and chair of Florida Poly’s Applied Mathematics Department. While his recent research has focused on harmonic trinomials; summation formulas, coprime graph labeling and unimodular roots of quadrinomials, his published work and invited presentations have also included curricular reform, technology implications, and teaching innovations in mathematics and calculus.
Prior to Florida Poly, Brilleslyper served for 21 years at the U.S. Air Force Academy as a professor, academic director, senior academic advisor for strategy, and division chief in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
As a respected and nationally recognized thought leader in mathematics, his direction has provided strategic training and curricular expertise for faculty at all levels within the field of mathematics. He has many academic honors and awards in mathematics, published numerous articles in peer reviewed journals, and presented in a number of national venues.
Brilleslyper and his wife, MaryAnn, are thrilled to have joined the Florida Poly family and are enjoying living in Central Florida.
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