Michelle Powell

Risk Manager
Michelle Powell

Phone 863-874-8421

Location Main Campus

Office IST-2031

Directory Office of Administration and Finance

Michelle Powell joined Florida Poly in March of 2015, serving a variety of roles within the Office of Admissions. With over eight years of higher education experience, Powell joined Administration and Finance as the university risk manager in October of 2023. Prior to transitioning to risk management, she served as the director of admissions, overseeing first-year admission, student and professional staff management, event planning and management, and enrollment marketing and communication efforts, in addition to other responsibilities.

At Florida Poly, Powell started as an admissions counselor, was promoted to associate director, senior associate director, and then to director of admissions. During her tenure at Florida Poly, Powell has served almost every county in the state of Florida and continues to enjoy her work helping students pursue a degree in science, technology, engineering, and her personal favorite, mathematics.

Powell, originally from a small town in Southern Illinois, is an avid fan of spending time outside and exploring all that Florida has to offer. She also loves spending her time talking with students about mathematics.

  • M.S. in Engineering, Florida Polytechnic University, 2020
  • B.A. in Mathematics, McKendree University, 2012
  • Associate in Risk Management (ARM™) 
  • Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Certification 
  •  McKendree University Alumni Association Board Member, June 2022-Current 
  •  Member, University Risk Management & Insurance Association, (URMIA) 
  •  Member, The Risk Management Society (RIMS) 
  •  Member, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) 
  •  Lifetime Member, Phi Kappa Phi Academic Honor Society 
  •  Lifetime Member, Sigma Sigma Sigma National Sorority

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