Florida Polytechnic University is ranked the number one public college in the South and nationally among the top public engineering colleges without a Ph.D. in U.S. News and World Report’s 2022 Best Colleges rankings.
Florida Polytechnic University has been ranked the number one public college in the Southern region of the United States by U.S. News and World Report. It is Florida Poly’s first appearance on that list.
In its 2022 Best Colleges list, U.S. News and World Report ranks Florida Poly third among all top colleges in the Southern United States, including public and private.
The University was ranked nationally at number 26 among public engineering programs without a Ph.D. The ranking comes only a year after the University’s strong debut in the top of 40 public colleges in this category. Among nearly 240 public and private undergraduate engineering programs, Florida Poly jumped 19 spots to number 53 from number 72 last year, showcasing the University’s booming progress in engineering education.
“Our outstanding showing in these rankings is evidence that Florida Poly has matured into a dynamic provider of STEM education, on par with some of the most well-known institutions in the nation,” said Dr. Randy K. Avent, the University’s president. “Our academic programs, which provide a high-touch model with small classes and strong curricular experiences, continue to grow and provide a rich environment that fosters student development and success.”
Florida Poly also was ranked among the best value schools – number 31 in the South and second in Florida. Its modest tuition, along with institutional financial aid and scholarship packages, are a strong draw for many talented students interested in an affordable, top-flight STEM education delivered in a small setting.
The U.S. News recognition is the latest in a series of recent national and regional rankings Florida Poly has enjoyed. It also comes as the University experiences an academic year of significant growth. The fall 2021 class of incoming students is the largest in Florida Poly’s history, growing 25% over the previous year.
“The University’s commitment to student success and our record of producing in-demand graduates ready to excel in high-tech, high-wage jobs is showing great results on the national stage,” said Dr. Ben Matthew Corpus, vice provost for enrollment at the University. “Students and families are increasingly savvy about top colleges that are affordable with in-demand disciplines. They are taking notice that Florida Poly offers exceptional computer science and engineering degrees focused on helping them achieve an extraordinary career.”
Lydia Guzmán
Director of Communications