Dr. Grisselle Centeno, professor of data science and business analytics at Florida Polytechnic University, is named a fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers in Seattle, Washington.
Dr. Grisselle Centeno, a professor at Florida Polytechnic University, recently was inducted as a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE). The award is the highest classification of membership in IISE. It recognizes outstanding leaders of the profession that have made significant, nationally recognized contributions to industrial engineering.
A maximum of 20 industrial and systems engineering professionals from all over the world are selected each year. This year, 16 were recognized, only eight of whom are academics, including professors from the University of Hong Kong, Georgia Tech, and Purdue University.
“This is a validation of my efforts and work. As faculty, I get validated by my students at the end of each semester, and I know how they perceive my teaching and how they value what I bring,” said Centeno, who teaches in the Department of Data Science and Business Analytics, and is founder and director of Florida Poly’s Health Systems Engineering concentration, the first of its kind in the state. “What is not necessarily clear is the impact you have on the extended professional community, and being recognized by this body of experts and outstanding fellows in our community, is wonderful.”
The induction ceremony was held during the IISE’s 2022 annual conference in Seattle, Washington, in May. Centeno is only the second Hispanic woman in over 70 years to be selected as an IISE Fellow.
“The first Latina was inducted last year, and when I saw her picture, I called to congratulate her. I thought to myself, ‘One day I aspire to be a fellow as well,’” said Centeno, who is from Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
The Council of Fellows represents many of the most prominent members of the industrial engineering profession. It was awarded largely based on her service to the industrial engineering profession, as well as her research, management skills, technological innovation, and practiced excellence. Centeno’s achievements include 14 years as a consultant for Walt Disney World, extensive work in the healthcare industry, and innovative research funded by the National Science Foundation. She is also an expert in capacity planning and process improvement.
Centeno is hopeful her accomplishments will inspire other women in STEM fields.
“When you see people that look like you, you see what you can become and it’s a lot easier to believe and to realize the dream” Centeno said. “I’m proud to be an example and feel honored to learn that people nationally and internationally value my work. That gives a boost to my motivation to continue doing what I love and to love even more what I do.”
Lydia Guzmán
Director of Communications