New SGA president ignites passion for student advocacy

Sep 11, 2024
Taki Tsetsekas

Taki Tsetsekas is the 2024-2025 president of Florida Polytechnic University’s Student Government Association. Tsetsekas is a senior majoring in mechanical engineering with a concentration in aerospace.

As the newest student body president at Florida Polytechnic University, Taki Tsetsekas is embracing his leadership role and diving headfirst into advocating for student progress.

“It’s been busy so far, but staying busy is a good thing,” said Tsetsekas, a senior majoring in mechanical engineering with a concentration in aerospace. “I love when students come by my office and tell me about a problem they’re having because I can actually do something about it.”

Making a difference and improving the student experience on campus are central to his priorities as president of the Student Government Association (SGA). As part of this, Tsetsekas said he has several initiatives both planned and already in the works.

Among the largest is working with the SGA cabinet to boost school spirit by heightening student support of Florida Poly and its Phoenix. 

“At some universities, every student is wearing some sort of school colors, and I want every student to be wearing ours,” said Tsetsekas, from Palm Harbor, Florida. “I want every Phoenix to know how to make the Phoenix hand sign, and when they become alumni, I want them to think about maybe coming back to donate.”

Another top-tier initiative is educating students about the importance of getting involved and pursuing leadership positions. His own desire to get involved and support Florida Poly felt natural from the moment he first stepped onto campus, he said. 

“It’s such an inclusive environment here and no matter what your background is, you have a place,” Tsetsekas said. 

As part of his duties as student body president, Tsetsekas has a seat on the University’s Board of Trustees. In this position, his voice and vote are equal to the other members of the board, which is responsible for the oversight of all Florida Poly operations, implementing and maintaining high-quality education programs, and approving the University’s strategic plan and budget. 

“During my student trustee reports, I get designated time to talk and share the student perspective, and the other trustees show me that they really do respect the opinions of our students,” he said.

Tsetsekas’ involvement on campus was immediate and has grown each year. Being SGA president is the natural progression of his experiences at Florida Poly, he said.

“I started as an admissions ambassador and I was very passionate about the school – I was obsessed,” Tsetsekas said, laughing. 

After joining the SGA, his support for the institution grew even deeper. He was inspired and encouraged to run for student body president in Spring 2024 by Melia Rodriguez ’24, its then-president, and Tsetsekas’ older brother, Dimitri Tsetsekas ’24, its vice president. Dimitri Tsetsekas is now pursuing a master’s degree in engineering management at Florida Poly. 

“With their mentorship, I knew I could do this,” Taki Tsetsekas said. “I believe that I’m hitting the ground running.”

The weight of the position he holds is always top-of-mind, he said.

“I hope to be a positive role model,” Tsetsekas said. “During the student welcome before the first day of classes, I had a student come up to me saying, ‘I want to be just like you.’ It’s a big responsibility.”

For more information, visit the SGA webpage.

Taki tsetsekas
  • SGA president
  • Senior majoring in mechanical engineering, aerospace concentration
  • Undergraduate research assistant
  • Internship as project engineer with CBG Building Company
  • Aspires to one day open an engineering firm with an aerospace application
  • Plans to pursue a master’s degree
  • Ultimately dreams of becoming an astronaut


Lydia Guzmán
Director of Communications
