Florida Polytechnic Universitys Signature Building Featured in Nationwide TV Commercial

Feb 07, 2014

LAKELAND, Fla. – Florida Polytechnic University’s distinctive classroom building under construction is the backdrop for a new TV commercial for Chrysler Ram trucks that began airing nationally on Tuesday, Feb. 4.

Florida Poly’s Innovation, Science and Technology (IST) Building is featured prominently in the new ad campaign as an example of a “modern marvel” for its engineering and design. The TV ad depicts the truck moving materials at the campus construction site and maneuvering around the building’s unique features.

“The building’s cool architecture and the ruggedness of the construction site were just the right combination for this production,” said producer Ken Rosen, who was commissioned to create the commercial. “It was a privilege to experience the structure up close at this stage of its creation. I want to come back when it’s completed.”

The IST Building, designed by renowned Spanish architect Dr. Santiago Calatrava, is a 160,000-square-foot white domed structure visible to motorists on Interstate 4 passing by Lakeland. The oval building has a distinctive louvered roof system and is surrounded by a ring of curved metal pergolas that shade its outer terrace and walkways. The two-story building will not be complete until June 2014, but already it has become a regional landmark.

“We were honored to be involved in this project, and we’re proud that our IST building is catching eyes and inspiring people,” said Ava L. Parker, Florida Poly’s chief operating officer. “It was designed, after all, to inspire innovation.”