The first day of the fall semester is just around the corner. The start of a new academic year can be a time of uncertainty for new students. That is why those who have been around Florida Polytechnic University for a few years provide some help to ease the transition.
Florida Poly juniors, seniors, and alumni offer their best advice for the class of 2023.
“Attend all your classes and pay attention to what your professor has to say. If you do not understand something, ask the professor because they are there to help and you are there to learn. Make sure your professor knows who you are; they are more likely to assist you later in the semester and they will see the effort you make as well. And make sure to try something outside your comfort zone, whether it be the Force Institute, the Latin American Student Association’s dances or laser tag with your friends. College is all about challenging yourself.” – Sinead Fernandes ’19, computer engineering graduate and graduate student pursuing a master’s in engineering
“Something I wish I knew then that I know now is you don’t get what you deserve at this school; you get what you ask for. You really have to go and look for the opportunities and knock on professors’ doors and you’d be surprised what you get in return.” – Isabel Zimmerman ’21, data science major with a concentration in quantitative economics
“Ask a lot of questions and find a professor and people you feel like you could click with. They are the ones that are going to help you out throughout your college career and even after college.” – Veronica Perez Herrera ’18, mechanical engineering graduate
“It’s going to be hard, but in the end, it will be worth it and you will have all the knowledge you’re going to need. Make sure you make plenty of friends – they’ll help you as much as you help them – and make sure you study.” – Nick Strosnider ’18, computer science graduate with a concentration in cyber security
“Don’t stress it. There’s going to be times when you have a lot on your plate, a lot of projects and a lot of workload, but it’s honestly not as big of a deal. Do the best you can. I always found that just spending a few hours a night playing with friends online, going to game nights at the University, being in a club even – any type of break you can give yourself you can come back with a fresher mind and be ready to go.” – Nicolo Aimino ’19, computer science graduate with focus on cyber security
“Be open. Explore things you’re unfamiliar with because that’s what college is for: to explore what you don’t know and get a wider view with that perspective.” – Ryan Perez ’20, Student Government Association president and mechanical engineering major
Lydia Guzman
Director of Communications