Interesting Semiconductors Process Engineer Jobs

Oct 15, 2014
Interesting Semiconductors Process Engineer Jobs

Selecting which college degree to pursue can be an exciting and sometimes, overwhelming process. From electrical engineeringdegrees to a computer engineering degree,

it’s important to understand which degree programs are offered at your university, and the potential post-graduate career opportunities in that field. In addition, faculty advisors can be a valuable resource when making your final degree selection.

What Is Semiconductor Engineering?

As a brief overview of the technology, semiconductors are material devices with electrical conductivity between conductors (metals) and non-conductors (ceramics). They are the foundation of existing electronics including transistors, light emitter diodes, solar cells, etc. A semiconductor engineer plays an important role in our technology-centric society because without them, we wouldn’t have the individuals who enable electronic devices to function.

Students who graduate with a concentration in semiconductors or electronics technology degree, have a variety of exciting careers to consider. From Intel to Samsung to STMicroelectronics, graduating students may gain the opportunity to work at some of the top electronics companies in the industry.

Examples of Semiconductor Process Engineer Jobs Include:

  • Process Development Engineer: This type of engineer oversees the production process—from creating to correcting to refining production processes.
  • Product Engineer: Product Engineers are involved in the electronic design and improvement process.
  • Lithography Process Development Engineer: This type of engineer requires experience in semiconductor manufacturing environments. Engineers with this concentration focus on developing and refining the production of microchips.

While there are a variety of career options in the semiconductor industry, one of the most exciting aspects of this field is that it continues to evolve. New career options continue to emerge. Since semiconductors are integral to electronics, students have the opportunity to work with cutting-edge equipment that will make an impact on the next semiconductor generation.

Whether you decide to pursue a career in semiconductors or one of the many other degree programs offered at Florida Polytechnic University, our faculty are dedicated to preparing students with the tools and hands-on experiences needed to succeed in your selected field. Our industry-leading faculty members will help guide you to success, as you gain the education and industry knowledge that will benefit you in your postgraduate career.

Post by Florida Polytechnic University.

Studying Semiconductor Technology

Florida Polytechnic University offers a wide variety of degree programs, all of which include specialized concentration areas. For example, students interested in earning a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering will have the opportunity to select from one of the following concentration areas:

  • Control Systems
  • Digital & Hybrid Systems
  • Electrodynamics
  • Magnetics
  • Semiconductors

Concentration areas enable students to thrive and deepen their knowledge within their specific field. For example, let’s consider the semiconductors concentration field. Below are links that connect you to additional information on semiconductors, and future jobs in semiconductors that may be available post graduation.

For more information on Florida Polytechnic University and other available degree programs, contact a Florida Polytechnic University faculty member today.


Career Examples, via LinkedIn:

1 Process Development Engineer with Samtec

2 Product Engineer with Microsoft

3 Lithography Process Development Engineer with Seagate