Techniques to separate fetal and maternal ECG signals from feto-maternal ECG complex

Feb 15, 2018

Mohammad Bharmal, Science in Innovation and Technology Master Program

Mentor: Dr. Muhammad Ullah

Scientists and engineers have been striving for over a century to obtain nearly perfect fetal and maternal electrocardiography (ECG) signals out of a feto-maternal ECG complex at low cost. Noise, interference and artifacts make feto-maternal ECG complex hard to analyze precisely and accurately for diagnosis of cardiac defects.

This project created a new algorithm to separate more accurately the fetal and maternal ECG signals, without noise or interference. The method is also faster, simpler and less costly than methods used today in the medical field. The goal is to provide doctors with the most accurate information for the appropriate treatment of patients, faster and at a lower cost.

“More than 1% of mothers die every year due to confusion created by inaccurate fetal and maternal ECG signals. Doctors need to have the most accurate data to be able to save lives”, said Dr. Muhammad Ullah, professor of Computer Engineering and one of the mentors.

Lydia Guzman
Assistant Director of Communications