Anti-Fraud Framework
Florida Poly’s Anti-Fraud Framework aims to establish guiding principles and essential
structural elements to combat fraud, waste, abuse, and financial mismanagement. Additionally,
it focuses on developing appropriate actions and procedures to prevent and detect
fraudulent activities within the University.

The Anti-Fraud Framework consists of five structural elements:
- Governance: Establishing a clear structure of accountability and oversight to ensure the anti-fraud
framework is effectively implemented and maintained. The Vice President of Administration
and Finance, in conjunction with the President’s Strategy Circle, University Audit
& Compliance (UAC), and administrators at all levels of management oversee the antifraud
- Education and Prevention: Raising awareness about fraud risks and promoting a culture of integrity. This includes
providing regular training sessions for all levels of faculty and staff, students,
and stakeholders on recognizing and preventing fraud, as well as implementing policies
and procedures that deter fraudulent activities.
- Detection and Reporting: Setting up mechanisms to identify and report suspicious activities. This includes
implementing internal controls, conducting regular audits, and establishing reporting
channels. An individual may make a report by contacting University Audit and Compliance
(UAC) directly or through the various options available through the Compliance Hotline
that is administered by UAC. An anonymous reporting option is available through the hotline, if desired.
- Investigation and Action: Processes for thoroughly investigating reported fraud cases and taking appropriate
actions. The Chief Audit Executive/Chief Compliance Officer (CAE/CCO) is the official
contact for people reporting suspected fraud or fraudulent conduct. UAC will oversee
all investigations into allegations of fraud.
- Evaluation and Review: Evaluation and review involve continuously assessing the effectiveness of the anti-fraud
framework and making necessary improvements. This includes regularly reviewing policies
and procedures, analyzing fraud incidents to identify trends and weaknesses, and updating
the framework to address new and emerging fraud risks.