Dr. Ajeet Kaushik, assistant professor of chemistry at Florida Polytechnic University, is a highly respected speaker at international scientific events focusing on nanotechnology and biosensors.
Dr. Ajeet Kaushik’s expertise in nanotechnology, sensors, biosensors, and nanomedicine for health and environmental management has carried his stellar reputation across the country and around the world.
The assistant professor of chemistry at Florida Polytechnic University spent much of the 2023-2024 academic year sharing his knowledge both in the classroom and among his vaunted peers.
“Doing research in a particular field is not simple, and I have not done it alone. I have worked with many other researchers and students have assisted me as well,” Kaushik said. “Whenever my work is recognized, they are part of that recognition.”
Among his international recognitions was being invited by the government of India’s Ministry of Education to participate in its December 2023 Global Initiative of Academic Networks’ (GIAN) five-day workshop course at the Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology in Hisar, a city in northwestern India. Kaushik served as a foreign expert for the course on biomedical nanotechnology for personalized health management.
Although he focused on educating about how sensors, sensing technology, and nanomedicine can be optimized and transformed for better health quality, Kaushik said engaging with students was equally exciting.
“I tell them about Florida Poly, the wonderful work we do here, and our rankings,” Kaushik said. “Many of the senior students said they would want to come to the Florida Poly as visiting scholars for short-term or long-term experiences.”
In April, Kaushik also was a keynote speaker at NanoFlorida 2024 in Tallahassee, Florida. This annual student-focused conference that brings together leading researchers, scientists, faculty, industry representatives, and companies in the name of nanoscience, nanoengineering, and nanotechnology. During the event, Florida Poly students, Justin Sanchez-Almirola, Alexander Gage, and Riley Orr, presented their research and received undergraduate research appreciation awards.
In late 2023, Kaushik was named to Stanford University’s list of the world’s top 2% of scientists for the third consecutive year. The list recognizes those scientists who actively publish their work, and is based on the number of articles published by the researchers and the citations their papers receive.
Kaushik has over 280 technical papers, 10 edited books, and three granted U.S. patents. He also held more than 10 editorial positions at respected journals and was a faculty-elected member of Florida Poly’s Board of Trustees for the 2023-2024 academic year.
“I am happy to have important knowledge and grateful to be able to share it with others,” he said. “I feel thankful and blessed to be able to do so at Florida Poly and I appreciate the help and support of the institution’s leadership.”
Lydia Guzmán
Director of Communications