There are several key dates and deadlines for students who are graduating. The dates for each of these items is shared with students on the website, via the Weekly Phoenix, through emails from the Office of the University Registrar, and in the university’s mobile app.
* All information subject to change.
Florida Polytechnic University and RP Funding Center makes several accommodations for persons with disabilities attending Commencement, including:
To request ADA accommodations, email or call 863-874-8484 prior to April 18. Requests received after the deadline will be processed, but the University cannot guarantee those requests can be fulfilled. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Purchase your Senior Class Gift today! Celebrate this moment with a special gift for graduates. From Florida Poly tumblers to a commemorative brick that will be placed on the causeway forever, graduates and their families can purchase a variety of merch bundles from the Alumni Association to mark this moment in time. Senior Class Gifts will also be available for purchase at graduation.
Alumni clothing and gifts are available on the bookstore website.
Yard signs are also available with shipping through FASTSIGNS of Lakeland.
Graduates will not be permitted to participate without wearing the approved cap and gown (and hoods for Master’s students). Caps and gowns can be ordered directly from Herff Jones. The deadline for orders is March 21.
Graduates are permitted to wear cords, medallions, or sashes that have been previously approved by the Office of the University Registrar.
Bachelor’s tassels are initially worn on the right of the cap and will be moved to the left when directed to do so in the ceremony.
Master’s tassels are worn on the left of the cap as the bachelor’s degree has already been earned. Graduates are encouraged to wear professional attire under their gown.
Other approved items include:
SWE Pin – (Society of Women Engineers)
As you choose the clothing to wear, consider:
Cap decorations are permitted as long as the decorations are appropriate, inoffensive, and not so elaborate that they cause a distraction to the ceremony. Gowns may not be altered in any way. Any decorations deemed inappropriate will need to be removed prior to the start of the ceremony.
Graduates should park in either the Orange or Red parking lot and enter through Entrance 2. Graduates must check in at the Exhibit Hall West to receive their seating assignment and reader card. Graduate check-in will open at 12:30 p.m. and graduates should check in no later than 1:15 p.m. Please review the parking information for clarification.
All graduates who want to participate in the 2025 Commencement must complete the Commencement Participation form by Sunday, March 9 by 5:00 p.m.
Only students graduating with a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science degree are eligible to participate in commencement.
The 2025 commencement ceremony is intended for fall 2024 graduates, spring 2025, and summer 2025 degree candidates. Students whose anticipated graduation dates are fall 2025 through summer 2026 will participate in the spring 2026 commencement ceremony.
Completion of the 2025 Commencement Participation form does not indicate approval to participate in the commencement ceremony. A confirmation email will be sent to you from to confirm your eligibility to participate and/or remind you of items that need to be completed before you are eligible to participate. Summer 2025 degree candidates will be reviewed after summer and fall 2025 priority registration week, to confirm they are registered for their remaining courses in the summer 2025 term. Failure to register for remaining courses will result in you being ineligible to participate in the spring 2025 ceremony.
If you have any questions or concerns about the 2025 Commencement Participation form, contact
Be sure to download your new alumni digital swag for your computer, phone, and social media accounts.
After handing off the reader card, graduates will receive their diploma cover. The diploma cover is yours to take home after the ceremony. The diploma cover should be held in front of you as you pose for your photos. Diplomas will be mailed after degrees have been conferred. Additional information will be emailed after commencement.
Commencement items, including graduation announcements, class rings and diploma frames, are available through Herff Jones.
Grad Images is the official photographer for commencement. The photographers will have clear access to take photos of the graduates during the ceremony. Graduates and their families will have the opportunity to order commencement photos from Grad Images. You will receive a link to order your commencement photos when they become available. Visit Grad Images to find the photos taken at the 2025 Commencement Ceremony.
Each graduate will be given a reader card when they check in. Do not lose your reader card. The reader card must be kept with the graduate at all times as it will be given to the name reader before the graduate walks across the stage.
Share your Florida Poly pride before, during, and after the ceremony by tagging your pics #FLPolyGrad on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. All day-of updates will be communicated via Facebook and Twitter.
Florida Poly invites graduating students from the Class of 2025 to apply to be the student speaker at the May commencement ceremony.
The student commencement speaker is an honor, and all eligible students are invited to participate in the selection process.
The details for the application and selection process will be posted soon.
Student must:
Speech Guidelines
The speech:
Guests and graduates will pass through security upon entrance and all bags will be checked. Clear bags are recommended to provide an efficient security process. Graduates should keep personal belongings brought to commencement to a minimum. Items such as purses, bags, or anything else that will not fit in your pockets should be left with your guests or should be securely locked in the trunk of your car prior to checking in. Graduates will be separated from their guests and will not have the ability to hand off or receive personal items once the ceremony has begun.
Each graduate will receive 8 guest tickets. Due to high participation, we are no longer
able to accommodate request for additional tickets. Every guest 3 or older must have
a ticket. Guests will not be admitted into the arena without a physical ticket. Lap-children
2 years old and younger do not need a ticket. If your tickets are lost or damaged,
please contact; however, we cannot guarantee replacements as seating will be limited.
Tickets will be distributed from the Registrar’s Office, IST-2048, Monday, April 21
through Friday, April 25 between the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Students must bring a photo ID when picking up their tickets. If you would like a
friend to pick up your tickets for you, email with the name of the friend who will be picking up the tickets for you. That person
will need to bring their photo ID for the tickets to be released.
After the ceremony, graduates will be led out of the arena and will not be permitted
to re-enter the building. Graduates should plan to meet their guests outside of the
Celebrate this moment with a special gift for graduates. From Florida Poly tumblers to a commemorative brick that will be placed on the causeway forever, graduates and their families can purchase a variety of merch bundles from the Alumni Association to mark this moment in time. Purchase your Senior Class Gift today! Senior Class Gifts will also be available for purchase at graduation. For more information on the Alumni Association, visit