Office of

Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services coordinates accommodations for students with mental, physical, and developmental disabilities.

Reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual basis after considering the specific disability and documentation of functional limitations in accordance with the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

In order to access these rights, it is the student's responsibility to self-identify as a student with disabilities and register with ODS. Please note that all requests should be submitted by the student. It is the student's responsibility to request academic or University accommodations to adhere to the institution's accommodation procedures and to actively participate in the process.

To Register with ODS:

  1. The student must submit accommodation requests through an ODS Application.
  2. The student should submit supporting materials including: medical documentation from an appropriately licensed professional containing information about the student's disability/condition, any ameliorating conditions (e.g. medication), the functional impact of the disability/condition(s) in an academic or University setting, and the need for an accommodation. Documentation should be uploaded through the online application. Please do not email documentation to ODS directly.
  3. Students who complete an ODS Application and provide medical documentation, as needed, will have an initial individualized assessment. This is an interactive process that determines whether the student has a disability that entitles them to an accommodation. The Initial Individualized Assessment will include a student intake interview where the student provides information on their academic or University experience and any other pertinent information.

In the context of higher education, reasonable accommodations are modifications or adjustments in the academic environment that enable a qualified student with a disability equal access to the university’s programs, courses, services and activities. 

Providing accommodations does not compromise the essential elements of a course or program, nor do they weaken academic standards. A reasonable accommodation cannot fundamentally alter the core learning objectives of the course, program, service, job, or activity. They provide an alternative way to accomplish the requirements by eliminating or reducing disability-related barriers and providing a level playing field for students with disabilities. A reasonable accommodation cannot fundamentally alter the core learning objectives of the course, program, service, job, or activity.

Students Registered with ODS

If you have already registered with ODS, please ensure that you have requested an accommodation letter for your current courses by logging into the ODS Student Portal.


Apply for Services   Student Portal   Instructor Portal  

Testing Center

Only students with disability accommodations have access to the Testing Center. Students with accommodations may schedule their upcoming exam. Testing Center hours are by appointment only. 


The University has developed a voluntary process for students with disabilities that feel they would need assistance in an emergency preparedness situation. This process will officially notify the University and register the individual; this will help the University prepare and assist the individual in case of an emergency. This is for anyone with a permanent or temporary disability who needs assistance. There is no timeline for anyone who wants to voluntarily register.

Our goal is to protect our campus community and make sure every individual is prepared in case of an emergency. Please contact ODS for more information and to register.

Johnson Scholarship

The Johnson Scholarship can offer significant financial assistance to qualified individuals. Below you will find a list of specific requirements for applying to this program, as well as the links to the application forms.

All applicants must complete a 2025–2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form or renewal FAFSA form online or mail it to the address indicated on the FAFSA prior to submission of this application to receive full consideration.    

Applications and any required supporting materials must be submitted by May 1st

Students must meet the following requirements to be considered for scholarship selection:

  • Be a Florida resident for tuition purposes
  • Be seeking a first baccalaureate degree
  • Complete a Theodore R. and Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Application
  • Meet academic requirements
  • Provide documentation of the nature and/or extent of a disability(ies)
  • Demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)/institutional need.

Please see the Johnson Scholarship application forms below for more information. 

2025-2026 Scholarship Forms