
SGA Branches

The Student Government Association is composed of an executive, judicial, and legislative branch.

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch includes the Student Body President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and an Executive Cabinet. The Cabinet includes various Executive Committees as appointed by the Student Body President. They are the students’ voice and liaison between the students and the administration.

Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch is comprised of senators represented by class years, degree programs, and on- and off-campus students. The Senate enacts statutes, allocates funds and oversees campus organizations. The Legislative Branch will grow as the University grows.


Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch is the Supreme Court, comprised of a Chief Justice and six Associate Justices. The seven Justices are appointed by the Student Body President and confirmed by the Senate. The Supreme Court hears student concerns, helps conduct all SGA elections and holds trials for officials who breach the SGA Constitution.

Contact the Judicial Branch.