Title IX

Reaching Out

Experiencing sexual misconduct is a difficult experience and here are resources that may help. We want you to feel comfortable reaching out for assistance. The University community is here to support.

Confidential Resources

Confidential resources will NOT report information to the Title IX coordinator.

The Office of the Ombuds is a confidential, impartial, independent, and informal resource for students who have encountered university-related issues and concerns.

BayCare Student Assistant Program

BayCare is a free self-referral and confidential services available to students, to help with personal and professional problems that interfere with the successful management of the educational process. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone or online.

Peace River Center – Victim Services:

24-Hour Domestic Violence Crisis Line  863-413-2700

24-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line  863-413-2707

What to do if you have been sexually assaulted

Seek medical attention, as soon as possible even if you do not think you will report the assault.

  • Receive treatment for any physical injuries
  • Be screened for sexually transmitted infections or diseases/ pregnancy/ date rape drugs and/or obtain emergency contraception

If you are interested in potentially reporting to law enforcement here are items to take into consideration.

Examples of items that may serve as evidence include:

  • Any recorded media such as voicemails, emails, text messages, social media posts/messaging, and any other notes, writing, correspondence that may be relevant
  • Clothing worn by both parties may be needed as evidence and should be preserved in its original state
  • Do not disturb the scene of any incident of sexual violence, police may want to photograph the scene upon arrival
  • Photograph of any injuries that are immediately apparent or that may appear days later
  • If any weapon was used or any object used, leave it in position and do not touch it until police arrive.


Medical Attention

The SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Exam) is free and anonymous. The exam is focused on evidence collection. Evidence can be collected up to 120 hours after the assault occurred, but the sooner it is done the more likely that useful evidence can be recovered. Prior to a SAFE:

  • Do NOT bathe, shower, or douche
  • Do NOT change your clothes
  • Do NOT disturb anything at the scene

SAFE's are available at Lakeland Regional Hospital and Peace River Center. Peace River Center is an alternate option to a hospital room. These exams are conducted at various locations. You can reach the center at 863-413-2707.


What is trauma?

Individuals who experience trauma have unique responses and there is no one “right” way for a person to react. An individual may respond to trauma differently for each situation. Some common responses to trauma are to flight, fight, or freeze.  Most of the time, it is not the individuals choose to how their body reacts and go into survival mode. 

Some of the signs you may see from someone who has experienced trauma could include:

  • Shock, disbelief, numbness, withdrawal
  • Preoccupation with thoughts or feelings about the incident
  • Unwanted memories, flashbacks, nightmares
  • Intense anger, fear, anxiety, or depression
  • Physical symptoms like loss of sleep, loss of appetite, headaches, stomach aches
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Lower grades
  • Loss of focus on academics or things that used to be a focus
  • Loss of interest in sex, or increased sexual activity
  • Fears about safety
  • Feelings of guilt and shame