The Department of Facilities and Safety Services is available to help with events hosted on campus during normal business hours. The department may also be able to provide support during weekends and after hours for an additional fee.
To initiate the process, schedule your event in the University Event Services as far in advance as possible and indicate which services you would like assistance with.
The department assists with the set up and tear down of all university-wide events including commencement, fundraisers, and ground breaking events. We are also available to assist with other events as needed.
The university allows small pop-up tents (10'x10') and larger tents to be utilized for events. Per the Florida Building Code, tents larger than 120 sq. ft. require a Temporary Use Permit. Permitting is managed through the Building Code Administration office. Refer to the Temporary Structures on Campus (Including Tents) resource for additional information and submit the Tent Guidelines/Application Form to Tent permit applications should be submitted a minimum of 10 business days prior to setup date.
If utilizing a tent vendor, the vendor is required to provide the university with information regarding set up and take down dates and locations, and tent material, size, and ballasting method. In addition, the university requires a Certificate of Insurance (COI) with a liability limit of $1 million that lists the Florida Polytechnic University Board of Trustees as Additionally Insured.
Food is only permitted in certain locations on campus, and by following health and safety guidelines.
Events that are "potentially hazardous" according to FPU-1.0038P: Events on University Property must be approved by the Office of Safety Services.
Potentially hazardous events include any activity that could reasonably be expected to create a risk of harm to persons or of defacement or damage to public or private property.
Examples of potentially hazardous events include, but are not limited to: bonfires; lighting of fireworks; events involving helicopters or other aircraft; drones; motor vehicle races; gatherings in excess of 200 persons, including unregistered campus athletic events; marches (including any organized walks or runs); parades; events involving the distribution or consumption of alcohol; and any outdoor events requiring electricity.