- Notice of Proposed Amended Regulation FPU-1.003 Use of University Facilities and Property
- Notice of Proposed Amended Regulation FPU-1.007 Campus Free Expression 8.22.24
- Notice of Proposed Amended Regulation FPU-1.009 Commercial Solicitation on University
Property 8.29.24
- Notice of Proposed Amended Regulation FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct 8.22.24
Notice of Proposed Amended Regulation FPU-6.004 Annual Leave 4.26.24
Notice of Proposed Regulation FPU-1.0305 Commercial Filming on Campus 5.3.24
- Notice of Proposed Amended Regulation FPU-6.005 Sick Leave 4.26.24
Notice of Regulation Amendment 5.004 Library Services 11.14.2023
- Notice of Regulation Amendment FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct 8.28.2023
- Notice of Regulation Amendment FPU-8.001 Procurement 8.28.2023
- Notice of Proposed Regulation FPU-5.0084 Credit for Military Training, Courses, and
Occupations 5.12.2023
- Notice of Proposed Regulation FPU-5.0072 Examination and Assessment of Instruments
- Notice of Regulation Amendment FPU-2.003 First Time In College 3.27.2023
Notice of Regulation Amendment FPU-1.015 Allegations of Waste, Fraud, Financial Mismanagements,
Misconduct, or Other Abuses 10.14.22
Notice of Regulation Amendment FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct 10.17.22
Notice of Proposed Regulation FPU-1.0041 Prohibition of Discrimination in University
Training or Instruction 8.26.22
Notice of Regulation Amendment FPU-1.005 Discrimination and Harassment Complaint and
Investigation Procedures 8.29.22
Notice of Regulation Amendment FPU-6.005 Sick Leave 8.29.22
Notice of Proposed Regulation FPU-1.0125 Fraud Prevention and Detection 8.29.22
- FPU-2.004 Admission of Undergraduate Transfer Students 8.10.21
- FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct 8.10.21
- Emergency Regulation FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct 6.30.21
FPU-5.003 Textbook and Instruction Materials Selection and Affordability 3.29.21
5.005 Academic Integrity 4.2.21
FPU-8.001 Procurement 3.30.21
- NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDED REGULATION FPU-5.003 Textbook and Instructional Materials
Selection and Affordability 8.6.20
NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDED REGULATION FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct 4.15.20
NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDED REGULATION FPU-2.001 Admission to the University and Appeal
Process – General 1.27.20
NOTICE OF PROPOSED REGULATION FPU-1.01 Service of Process 1.23.20
- NOTICE OF AMENDMENT FPU-4.003 Special Fees, Fines and Charges 10.30.19
- NOTICE OF PROPOSED REGULATION FPU-1.0033 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Model
Aircraft 11.8.19
- NOTICE OF AMENDMENT FPU-2.005 Admission of International Students 8.12.19
- Notice of Change Regulation: FPU-1.007 Demonstrations 2.11.19
- Notice of Change Regulation: FPU-10.002 University Direct Support Organizations 1.28.2019
- Notice of Proposed Rule Development: 6C13-1.003 Parking on University Property and
6C13-1.004 Schedule of Parking Fees and Fines
- Notice of Proposed Rules: 6C13-1.003 Parking on University Property and 6C13-1.004
Schedule of Parking Fees and Fines
- 6C13-1.003-Parking on University Property 8.5.14
- Notice of Proposed Rules: Repeal of FIPR Rules 6J1.001-1.007
- FPU-10.002 University Direct Support Organizations NOTICE
- FPU-1.003-Use of University Facilities and Property NOTICE
- FPU-1.003 Use of University Facilities and Property NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 8.4.17
- FPU-1.003 Use of University Facilities and Property 5.15.14
- FPU-1.003 Use of University Facilities and Property NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 11.3.17
- FPU-1-004-Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Regulation 11.16.13
- FPU-1.005-Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Policy and Procedure 11-16-13
- FPU-1.005-Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Policy and Procedure 12.6.13
- FPU-1.006-Trespass NOTICE 5.1.15
- FPU-1.007-Demonstrations NOTICE 6.28.14
- FPU-1.008-University Holidays Notice 3.25.13
- FPU-1-009-Commercial Solicitation on University Property NOTICE 6.28.14
- FPU-1.010-Skateboarding Skating Scooters Ripsticks and Other NOTICE 11.5.14
- FPU-1.010-Skateboarding-Skating-Scooters-Ripsticks-and-Other-12.11.14
- FPU-1.010 Use of Skateboards, Skates, Scooters and Similar Devices and High Risk Activities
- FPU 1.011 Political Activity on Campus NOTICE 5.1.15
- FPU-1.014 Animals on University Property NOTICE 8.1.16
- FPU-1.014 Animals on University Property NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 2.14.17
- FPU-1.015 Allegations of Waste, Fraud, Financial Mismanagement, Misconduct, and Other
Abuses NOTICE 2.14.17
- FPU-1.0125P-Fraud Prevention and Detection 9.22.14
- FPU-2.001 Admission to the University and Appeal Process-General NOTICE 7.12.13
- FPU-2.001 Admission to the University and Appeal Process-General 10.21.13
- FPU-2.001 Admission to the University and Appeal Process-General NOTICE OF AMENDMENT
- FPU-2.002 Early Admission and Dual Enrollment NOTICE 7.12.13
- FPU-2.003 First Time in College FTIC NOTICE 7.12.13
- FPU-2.004 Admission of Transfer Students NOTICE 7.28.13
- FPU-2.004 Admission of Undergraduate Transfer Students NOTICE 9.18.13
- FPU-2.005 International Student Admissions NOTICE 9.18.13
- FPU-2.005 International Student Admissions NOTICE OF CHANGE 9.24.13
- FPU-2.006 Application Fee and Admissions Deposit NOTICE 3.20.13
- FPU-2.007 Foreign Exchange Visitor Insurance Requirements NOTICE 4.29.16
- FPU-2.008 Graduate Admissions NOTICE 9.18.13
- FPU-3.001 Confidentiality of Student Records and Applicant Records NOTICE 4.15.14
- FPU-3.002 Student Government and Student Organizations NOTICE 6.27.14
- FPU-3.002-Student Government and Student Organizations 7.29.14
- FPU-3.002-Student Government and Student Organizations NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 5.8.17
- FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct NOTICE 11.16.13
- FPU-3.006-Student Code of Conduct 7.29.14
- FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 6.13.14
- FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct 1.14.14
- FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 8.11.17
- FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 11.3.17
- FPU-3.009 Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Observances, Practices and Beliefs
NOTICE 3.7.14
- FPU-3.009 Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Observances, Practices and Beliefs
- FPU-3.009-Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Observances Practices and Beliefs
- FPU-3.010 On-Campus Residency Requirement NOTICE 1.13.14
- FPU-3.010 On-Campus Residency Requirement 2.21.14
- FPU-3.010 On-Campus Residency Requirement NOTICE OF REPEAL 3.20.15
- FPU-4.001 Tuition and Related Fees Schedule NOTICE 5.22.13
- FPU-4.001 Tuition and Related Fees Schedule NOTICE 5.2.14
- FPU-4.001 Tuition and Related Fees Schedule NOTICE 4.20.20
- FPU-4.002 Waiver of Tuition and Fees NOTICE 1.13.14
- FPU-4.003 Special Fees, Fines and Charges NOTICE 5.14.13
- FPU-4.004 Procedure for Payment, Waiver, and Refund of Tuition, Fees, Fines, and Penalties
NOTICE 1.13.14
- FPU-4.005 Student Withdrawal from Courses due to Military Service NOTICE 3.7.14
- FPU-4.006 Third Time Repeat Course Fee Exception NOTICE 12.17.15
- FPU-5.001 Academic Freedom and Responsibility NOTICE 5.20.13
- FPU-5.001-Academic Freedom and Responsibility NOTICE OF CHANGE 7.15.13
- 5.001-Academic Freedom NOTICE OF CHANGE 11.5.13
- FPU-5.002-University Institutes and Centers
- FPU-5.003-Textbook Adoption
- FPU-5.003-Textbook Adoption and Affordability 2.21.14
- FPU-5.003-Textbook Adoption and Affordability NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 11.3.16
- FPU-5.004-Library Services NOTICE 6.27.14
- FPU-5.005-Academic Integrity NOTICE 6.28.14
- FPU-6.001-University Personnel Program Notice 5.17.13
- FPU-6.002-Personnel Code of Conduct and Ethics 12.11.14
- FPU-6.002 Personnel Code of Conduct and Ethics NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 1.26.18
- FPU-6.002-Personnel Code of Conduct and Ethics NOTICE 11.6.14
- FPU-6.003-Hours of Work Benefits and Leave Requirements Notice 5.14.13
- FPU-6.003-Hours of Work and Benefits NOTICE 11.19.13
- FPU-6.003-Hours of Work and Overtime 2.5.14
- FPU-6.003-Hours of Work and Overtime NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 8.1.16
- FPU-6.004-Annual Leave NOTICE 7.25.13
- FPU-6.004-Annual Leave 8.28.13
- FPU-6.004-Annual Leave NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 4.28.15
- FPU-6.004-Annual Leave 6.5.15
- FPU-6.004-Annual Leave NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 8.1.16
- FPU- 6.005 Sick Leave NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 1.26.18
- FPU-6.005-Sick Leave-NOTICE-7.25.13
- FPU-6.005-Sick Leave 8.28.13
- FPU-6.005-Sick Leave NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 8.1.16
- FPU-6.005-Sick Leave 9.14.16
- FPU-6.006-Sick Leave Pool NOTICE 11.19.13
- FPU-6.007-Personnel Records and Limited Access Records NOTICE 5.17.13
- FPU-6.007-Other Types of Leave NOTICE 12.23.13
- FPU-6.008-Outside Employment Outside Activity Regulation NOTICE 6.28.14
- FPU-6.009-Employment of Relatives
- FPU-6.010-Employee Political Activity NOTICE 5.1.15
- FPU-6.011-Employee Criminal Background Checks 5.15.14
- FPU-6.011-Employee Criminal Background Checks NOTICE 3.11.14
- FPU-6.011 Employee Criminal Background Checks NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 11.5.17
- FPU-6.011 Employee Criminal Background Checks NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 11.6.17
- FPU-7.003-Investment of Agency and Activity Funds
- FPU-7.006-Student Debt Collection NOTICE
- FPU-7.007-Employee Debt Collection NOTICE 5.24.13
- FPU-7.002-Financial Aid
- FPU-7.002-Student Financial Aid NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 2.14.17
- FPU-8.001-Purchasing 8.28.13
- FPU-8.001 Purchasing NOTICE OF AMENDMENT 1.26.18
- FPU-8.001-Purchasing NOTICE 6.10.13
- FPU-8.002-Prompt Payment to Contractors Vendors NOTICE 11.12.13
- FPU-8.002-Prompt Payment to Contractors Vendors NOTICE OF CHANGE 12.17.13
- FPU-8.003-Authority to Suspend or Debar Contractors Vendor NOTICE 11.12.13
- FPU-8.005-Real Property Leasing
- FPU-8.006-Leasing
- FPU-8.007-Competitive Process for Leasing Land and Facilities