
  • Students to explore professional opportunities at University's first virtual career fair

    Oct 13, 2020

    The search for jobs and internships got more complicated after the COVID-19 pandemic pushed many companies to shift their interview and hiring processes online. But Pairris Jones, Florida Polytechnic University's associate director of career development, said Phoenixes are well positioned to do well in today's employment landscape.

  • Florida Poly launches virtual STEM outreach for state's K-12 schools

    Oct 7, 2020

    While the COVID-19 pandemic stopped in-person outreach and campus visits by Central Florida's K-12 schools, Florida Polytechnic University's Office of Educational Outreach created new ways to take close-up STEM demonstrations and discussions directly to these students.

  • Culture and destiny guide professor's professional path

    Oct 1, 2020

    Dr. Edwar Romero-Ramirez knows his successes and his very presence as a faculty member at Florida Polytechnic University can affect the future of Hispanic students at the institution.

  • Florida Poly professor tapped for national public policy program

    Sep 28, 2020

    An assistant professor of electrical engineering at Florida Polytechnic University has been selected for the highly competitive Optical Society of America (OSA) Foundation public policy program.

  • Innovative health device takes Florida Poly students to statewide competition finals

    Sep 24, 2020

    Florida Polytechnic University seniors Megan Morano and Ethan Medjuck recently competed as finalists in the Florida Blue Health Innovation Challenge.

  • Professor and student gain prestigious Fulbright appointments

    Sep 22, 2020

    A Florida Polytechnic University assistant professor and a senior computer science student have been selected by the Fulbright Program for prestigious academic appointments.

  • First academic honor society at Florida Poly takes root

    Sep 17, 2020

    Florida Polytechnic University engineering and computer science students with stellar grades, involvement, and character are now eligible for selection to the new Mu Omega Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) academic honor society. This is Florida Poly's first academic honor society, recognizing students who excel academically and among their peers.

  • Aerospace concentration helps students take flight

    Sep 16, 2020

    Florida has been the epicenter of the U.S. aerospace industry for decades. Families have built traditions around watching the historic launch of space shuttles and rockets from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Many children grew up looking at the sky in awe of a rocket disappearing as it goes into orbit.

  • LASA connects Hispanic students to culture and peers

    Sep 15, 2020

    The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) at Florida Polytechnic University creates an environment where students with Latin American ancestry or curiosity can gather for friendship and connection to Hispanic cultures, traditions, and fun.

  • Sky's the limit for students in tactical fighter aircraft internship

    Sep 10, 2020

    Two Florida Polytechnic University students are getting a high-flying look at an industry that plays a major role Florida's high-tech future. And the opportunity will surely shape their professional future as well.