
  • Online classes to continue through Summer B term

    Apr 27, 2020

    In the interest of minimizing disruption and erring on the side of caution, Florida Poly will continue with remote offerings for Summer Session B. As you are wrapping up the spring term and thinking about how you'd like to spend your summer, we encourage you to visit with an academic success coach for guidance or navigate to the Registrar's homepage for registration assistance.

  • Remote work for employees extended through May 15

    Apr 24, 2020

    I hope you're all staying well and have found a new normal in this challenging time we're all in. This last month has somehow flown by as we adjusted to our quick shift to remote education and the significant changes to our working environment.

  • Message to students on the last day of Spring 2020 classes

    Apr 22, 2020

    As we end this semester, I ask you to please take a minute and reflect on all you have achieved this academic year. It has been a challenging year, full of growth and opportunity. Each Florida Poly student has been asked to stand up and demonstrate resilience and adaptability. Kudos to each and every Phoenix for your spirit and hard work. I couldn't be prouder of who we are as a University!

  • Florida Poly CARES emergency funds

    Apr 20, 2020

    We all have concerns today that we never would have dreamed of a few short weeks ago. We also all have new financial obligations stemming from COVID-19 that are adding even more stress.

  • Temporary university grading policy FAQ and additional academic information

    Apr 10, 2020

    I hope this finds you healthy and having settled in as best as you are able to focus now on those fast-approaching final exams.

  • Virtual Student Union

    Apr 9, 2020

    I'm happy to introduce the Florida Poly Virtual Student Union, a digital hub for students that is designed to make remote learning and campus engagement - from wherever you are - a little bit easier. Need-to-know resources, programs, services, and student events have been organized into one place.

  • Updates for Florida Poly students

    Apr 8, 2020

    I hope everyone is staying well and adjusting to your new remote environments. Working and learning remotely is a big adjustment that we've all had to make. I'm pleased to hear about and see many situations where our students are doing what Phoenixes do best--rising together.

  • Updates for Florida Poly employees

    Apr 8, 2020

    The work everyone has been doing to keep our University running smoothly and educating our students is nothing short of inspiring. With remote work, remote instruction and limited on-campus staff, we are doing our part to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and keep our community safe.

  • Employee Assistance Program update from Human Resources

    Apr 7, 2020

    The Office of Human Resources would like to remind everyone that the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is an available resource for all employees (faculty, staff, OPS, student employees) and their families. When you need professional, confidential advice to manage life's troubles, the State's  Employee Assistance Program (EAP)  can help. The EAP, provided by E4 Health (New Directions), offers employees and their household 24-hour access to confidential help from trained counselors. The counselors talk with you about your concerns, provide guidance, and will direct you to the right resources. Call 1-844-208-7067 or visit the State Department of Management EAP website.

  • Students: We're here to help

    Apr 3, 2020

    We miss you on campus! Remote learning... Social distancing... Webcams... Proctorio... Internet connections... Living at home... Governor's orders... Curfew! Our lives have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.