University purchases are generally made (by employees) in one of three ways, depending on what is being purchased and the dollar amount of the expense.
One written quote is required and must be attached to the Requisition.
If the purchase is for services, the supplier must sign the University's Master Supplemental Agreement (MSA) and provide certificate of insurance showing at least $1 million in general liability coverage.
For purchases between $10,000 and $75,000, two written quotes are required and must be attached to the Requisition.
If the purchase is for services, the supplier must sign the University's Master Supplemental Agreement (MSA) and provide certificate of insurance showing at least $1 million in general liability coverage.
For purchases between $75,000.01 and $149,999.99, three written quotes are required and must be attached to the Requisition.
The supplier must sign the University's Master Supplemental Agreement (MSA) and provide certificate of insurance showing at least $1 million in general liability coverage.
A competitive solicitation is required and must be issued by Procurement.
Other Procurement Methods (Must be approved by Procurement):
Sole Source: Purchases over $150,000 - A sole source exists when goods or services, because of unique characteristics or other reasons, are only available from a single source. Sole source justifications are reviewed and approved by Procurement prior to an order being placed. When an alternate supplier for a product or service cannot be identified, to the best of the requester's knowledge, based upon thorough research, a sole source justification must be provided. The sole source justification should document the good faith effort made in searching for other suppliers, include a list of the unique technical specifications required of the product, and the companies that were contacted in the search for alternate sources. The sole source document will be posted on Procurement's web page for 72 hours.
Waiver of Competition: Purchases under $150,000 - A waiver of competition is a request to purchase product(s) and/or services(s)
without obtaining
multiple quotes when multiple quotes is otherwise required. This generally means that
product/service is unique, and that the vendor is the only one from whom the product/service
can be provided and/or that a delay due to a competitive process will cause the university
and therefore, is not in the best interest of the university.
Approved Consortia: Approved Consortia means that the University is allowed to use this Consortia however, please note, every agreement must go through the review process and not every contract awarded
to a Consortia is available to the University. To ensure our eligibility, please
contact Procurement prior to moving forward.
The University has developed standard furniture to provide consistency across the university and furniture and finishes that have been pre-approved for their quality, durability, and ease of maintenance.