
Threat Assessment Team

Promoting a safe and secure community


Florida Poly has established a multi-disciplinary Threat Assessment Team (in adherence with state law) comprised of representatives from student affairs, law enforcement, human resources, counseling services, and residence life. The team meets on a regular basis to evaluate threat referrals, develop case management plans and, if necessary, intervene in a manner appropriate to the situation.

The mission of the team is to determine if an individual poses, or may reasonably pose, a threat of violence to self, others, or the Florida Poly community and to intervene to avert the threat and maintain the safety of the situation. The team responds to behaviors exhibited by students, employees, visitors, and non-affiliated persons prior to a critical incident in an attempt to prevent violence so that the Florida Poly campus remains a safe and secure working and learning environment.


Assessment Process

The team's objective is to assess whether individuals pose a violent threat to themselves or others and intervene where necessary, and more generally identify and provide assistance to those in need. The process is not adversarial in nature — it attempts to help people rather than punish them.

The team’s role is to gather information after a threat is reported. This includes questioning others who know the individual involved about whether they have noticed, heard or been told anything about the person that seems out of the ordinary, troubling or concerning.


Reporting Threats

Campus safety is enhanced through community members identifying behaviors of concern and reporting concerns in a timely manner. Early identification allows the team to intervene more effectively to address behaviors promptly in the hope of averting violence and maintaining the safety of the community. Reports can be made directly to team members or to supervisors, or via the reporting form. This form is required in order to make an official report and ensures notification to the team. Threats or behaviors that pose an immediate concern for violence should be referred without delay to the University Police Department.


Emergency Situations

If you are experiencing or observing an immediate threatening or violent situation, call the University Police at 863-874-8472 or 911. 

Non-Emergency Situations

Community members are encouraged to report any unusual or threatening behaviors, even if the risk is not perceived as immediately dangerous or imminent.

   Report A Concern