Students can get involved in various clubs around campus. Each club produces their
own content and design, but we offer them options when developing their club mark.
They can either create a mark on their own or work with University Relations to develop
a mark that fits within the approved template. Using an approved template allows the
club to pair its name with the University branding in a professional, consistent way.
Mark templates
In order to create consistency among the clubs and organizations around campus, this
template has been created. Each club is allowed to use whatever graphic they like
in the empty square space. Keep in mind the overall size of the space - very detailed,
intricate graphics will not size down well. Clubs should choose something simple that
clearly represents their club or organization.
Carousel placeholder image
Example of the layouts using one line for the name of the club/organization.
Carousel placeholder image
Example of the layouts using two lines for the name of the club/organization.
Applying Club Templates
Here are a couple examples of clubs who've chosen to use the University template.