outside of building
Brand Center


Our brand has a distinct, multifaceted personality, and it should be evident in our writing. So when you talk, type, or put pen to paper, keep our personality traits in mind.


The brand personality defines what it feels like to interact with our university, whether that’s as a student, a donor, a future alum, or an employee. It conveys our attitude and tone to our target audiences. Simply put, it’s the personification of our brand.



We’re a collective intelligence where STEM disciplines integrate and thrive.



We’re energetic and driven to achieve our individual and institutional goals.



We’re eager to learn and innately inquisitive, always seeking to understand and apply ourselves. 



We blend an understanding of the concrete, the abstract, and the intuitive—always scrutinizing and pushing for invention.



We focus on being successful and intentional. Every decision we make fuels our progress.



We’re setting trends. We’re defining what higher ed and technology can be. And we’re leading the way.