typography hero image
 Brand Center


When it’s used thoughtfully, typography is a powerful brand tool that can reflect or expand on the meaning of what’s communicated. Florida Poly’s typography is clear, clean, and flexible for a wide range of situations. 

While the options below officially represent Florida Poly, other options that aesthetically work well with these typefaces are allowed on a case-by-case scenario. If you have any questions or would like to have your typeface pairings reviewed, please email marketing@floridapoly.edu.

Typography Styles

There are three main typefaces that should be used when choosing fonts.
primary typeface - trim
Primary Typeface 


Styles: Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Semibold, Bold, Extrabold

Uses: Headers, subheads, and body copy

secondary typeface - decima mono
Secondary Typeface

Decima Mono

Styles: Light, Light Italic, Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic

Uses: Subheads, captions, call-out information, and quotes.

sans serif - verdana
Subsitute Sans


Styles: Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold, Italic

Uses: Headers, subheads, and body copy when the other two typefaces are unavailable.