Residential Life Handbook 

The Conduct Process

Students at Florida Polytechnic University are expected to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct

Residential Life & University Student Code of Conduct Procedures

Two principles underline conduct efforts. The first is that the conduct process serves as an educational experience aimed at assisting the individuals involved to redirect their behavior and energies along acceptable lines and, if possible, make right what has gone wrong. The second principle is that every effort is made to encourage students to assume responsibility for their own behavior. In carrying out these principles, great emphasis is placed on the consideration of each individual case rather than attempting to have matching “penalties” or actions for specific offenses. 

University and Residential Life staff are responsible for working with students to maintain an environment in which the rights of all students are respected and in which students assume standards of responsible, respectful behavior. University and Residential Life staff have the authority to implement these objectives within the residence halls. 

Student Code of Conduct Sanctions and Definitions

The University and the Office of Residential Life believes that each policy violation is unique in its own right, and the University and office does not prescribe a specific set of sanctions for set violations. Sanctions are based upon what would be the most educational for the individual(s) who violated policy. As a result, any combination of the following educational sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to have violate the Residential Life Handbook and/or Student Code of Conduct – this is not an exhaustive list: 

  • Warning - A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated the Residential Life Handbook and/or Student Code of Conduct.
  • Discretionary Educational Sanctions – Educational sanction that is assigned potentially based upon a specific policy violation (i.e., work assignments, essays, service to the University, mediation, written apology, etc.).
  • Loss of Privileges – Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time. Loss of privileges could include specified privileges within the residential community (i.e., limited kitchen/common area space usage, community pool permissions revoked, etc.).
  • Restitution – Requiring compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
  • Probation – A written reprimand stating that the student is no-longer in good standing with the University and Office of Residential Life as a result of violating specified policies. Probation is a designated period of time where more severe disciplinary sanctions will be imposed if the student is found to violate the Residential Life Handbook and/or Student Code of Conduct during the probation period.
  • Residence Hall Suspension – Separation of the student from the residence halls for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for returning to the residence halls may be specified.
  • Residence Hall Expulsion – Permanent separation of the student from the residence halls.